little rant on "bad drafting" vs "bad meta read"
inspired by recent events aka me seeing random redditors conflate the two
i feel like "meta read" is a term that is thrown around a lot especially when a new patch is being played for the first time, esp big patch like 15.5 where lane swaps were "banned"
but those two are not the same. using rock paper scissors as an analogy, bad meta read is seeing your opponent first pick scissors, and counterpicking with rock, and losing more times than expected because the power level of rock simply cannot compete even in an advantaged matchup. thus a "better meta read" would involve actions like matching scissors (gayge kek) or banning scissors straight up.
bad drafting is picking r1r2 paper into b1 scissors and wondering why the team is under so much pressure to make plays and constantly demands a higher bar of execution to win?
end rant