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LoL Boots Rework Idea

Writer: Emiki IchimaruEmiki Ichimaru

Hello people, its me again.

So a few days ago there was a reddit post asking if riot should introduce more boots into the game. I kinda replied late, so I don't think many people saw my reply (either that or it was so boring no one bothered to interact with it). So maybe it wasn't refined enough, so I've edited and refined my ideas in this post.

Eight different boots is really a lot already, so instead of adding more boots, it might be a fun idea to rework all of them instead. (it also happens that the item overhaul in season 11 didn't affect boots that much)

Without further ado:


Plague Boots (1700)

Boots (300) + Oblivion Orb (800) + Recipe (600)

  • 45 movement speed

  • 40 Adaptive Force (24 AD/40 AP)

  • 40% Grievous Wounds and 10% slow on abilities and attacks, increased to 60% GW and 20% slow against enemies below 50% HP. Lasts 3 seconds.

Mercenary Boots (1700)

Boots (300) + Long Sword (350) + Cull (450) + Recipe (600)

  • 50 movement speed

  • 30 Adaptive Force (18 AD/30 AP)

  • 5 HP on hit

Unique Passive – Reap: Killing a minion grants 1 gold, up to 100 gold. After having killed 100 minions, grant an additional 350 gold, disabling this passive and enabling Quest Hunter.

Unique Passive - Quest Hunter: Gain +10% damage to objectives permanently. For each minion killed after Quest Hunter is enabled, Mercenary Boots increases this bonus by +0.1%.

Wonder Boots (1600)

Boots (300) + Kindlegem (800) + Recipe (500)

  • 40 movement speed

  • 40 out of combat movement speed

  • 300 HP

  • 10 Ability Haste

  • 10 Item Haste

  • 20 Trinket Haste

Hextech Hoverboard (1750)

Boots (300) + Aether Wisp (850) + Recipe (600)

  • 45 movement speed

  • 5% movement speed

  • 30 Adaptive Force (18 AD/30 AP)

  • ignore unit collision

Unique Passive - Unleashed Research: The effects of some summoner spells are improved:

Flash: Now stores up to 2 charges. 20 second static cooldown between casts, original cooldown becomes charge cooldown.

Heal: Heal amount increased by 25% and is unaffected by Grievous Wounds. Also applies a buff to healed targets which prevents application of Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds.

Barrier: Shield amount increased by 25%. Now also blocks one instance of hard cc while shielded.

Ignite: Duration increased by 3 seconds.

Exhaust: Duration increased by 3 seconds.

Glacial Boots (1800)

Boots (300) + Glacial Buckler (900) + Recipe (600)

  • 45 movement speed

  • 30 armour

  • 250 mana

  • 15 Ability Haste

Unique Passive - Glacial Curse: Damaging an enemy with a basic attack or ability reduces their attack speed by 12(+1 per your champion level) and Ability Haste by 20 for 3 seconds. Only one enemy can be affected by this debuff at a time. (cannot reduce AH below 0)

Ruthenium Boots (1900)

Boots (300) + Negatron Cloak(900) + Recipe (700)

  • 40 movement speed

  • 50 magic resistance

  • 20% slow resistance

Unique Passive - Inertia: As long as you are hard CC'd, generate (10% max HP)(+50% AD)(+25% AP) shield per second. Any extra shield decays over 3 seconds when longer cc'd.

Nighthunter Boots (1950)

Boots (300) + Long Sword (350) + Amp Tome (435) + Recipe (865)

  • 30 movement speed

  • 50 out of combat movement speed

  • 50 Adaptive Force (30 AD/50 AP)

  • 10 Adaptive Penetration (5 Lethality/5 Magic Pen)

Unique Passive - Nighthunter: Each unique Takedown permanently converts 10 out of combat movement speed into 3 movement speed and 2 Adaptive Penetration.

Flamingo Boots (2000)

Boots (300) + Hearthbound Axe (1000) + Recipe (700)

  • 35 movement speed

  • 25 Adaptive Force (15 AD/25 AP)

  • 15 Adaptive Haste (15% attack speed/15 Ability Haste)

Unique Passive - Graceful Dance: While within 1000 range of an enemy champion, gain 2% omnivamp and 5|3 (melee|ranged) flat movement speed per second, up to a maximum of 10% omnivamp and 25|15 flat movement speed after 5 seconds.


I've taken the liberty to make these boots more expensive than the current set of boots, so that I could include a wider variety of effects. In a way, it can be thought of as a throwback to boot enchantments from back in the day which featured more expensive boots.

You may have noticed the ubiquitous use of Adaptive stats, including stuff like Adaptive Haste (which I honestly think would be a nice addition to the game) and Adaptive Penetration. I wanted boot choices to be even more unrestricted compared to the current system, so I didn't want any dead boots on champions as much as possible.

But a natural consequence is that some boots will be OP and bought by everyone, so maybe the tradeoff is bad if balance gets thrown out the window. Anyway, the ideal is a boots system which is flexible yet retains its appreciation for strategic choice (to be fair the current system does this quite well which is probably why it went largely unchanged until now).

While pursuing change for the sake of change is not inherently good, I hope you enjoyed my boot rework ideas!

- Emiki


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